CoinMarketCap pairs

Reports on the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies and digital tokens.

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First Currency Second Currency Latest Rate Updated At
BTC USD 9,131.32 USD 4.6 years ago
LTC USD 62.3899 USD 4.6 years ago
LTC BTC 0.006835 BTC 4.6 years ago
ETH USD 231.7717 USD 4.6 years ago
ETH BTC 0.025393 BTC 4.6 years ago
1ST USD 0.075691 USD 4.6 years ago
1ST BTC 8.29e-6 BTC 4.6 years ago
2GIVE USD 834.17e-6 USD 5.5 years ago
2GIVE BTC 130.00e-9 BTC 5.5 years ago
ABY USD 344.92e-6 USD 5.3 years ago
ABY BTC 30.00e-9 BTC 5.3 years ago
ADA USD 0.051609 USD 4.6 years ago
ADA BTC 5.65e-6 BTC 4.6 years ago
ADT USD 0.003676 USD 4.6 years ago
ADT BTC 400.00e-9 BTC 4.6 years ago
ADX USD 0.095182 USD 4.6 years ago
ADX BTC 10.42e-6 BTC 4.6 years ago
AEON USD 0.1719 USD 4.6 years ago
AEON BTC 18.83e-6 BTC 4.6 years ago
AMP USD 0.002953 USD 5.0 years ago
AMP BTC 320.00e-9 BTC 5.0 years ago
XRP USD 0.2410 USD 4.6 years ago
XRP BTC 26.40e-6 BTC 4.6 years ago
ANT USD 1.3253 USD 4.6 years ago
ANT BTC 145.16e-6 BTC 4.6 years ago