Aurora (AURORA) is a cryptocurrency and an Ethereum token. It is also known by the codes AOA.

Added 6.2 years ago
Contract Address 0xaaaaaa20d9e0e2461697782ef11675f668207961
Token Decimals 18
Explorers No explorers.
Traded through
5 exchanges

Bitcoin BTC rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
Coinbase 577,500 AURORA 3 mins ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 3.5 years ago
CoinMarketCap (deprecated) 190.00e-9 BTC 4.6 years ago

Ethereum ETH rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 3.5 years ago

United States dollar USD rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At 0.1241 USD 5 days ago
HitBTC 0.001010 USD 4 months ago
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 3.5 years ago
CoinMarketCap (deprecated) 0.001779 USD 4.6 years ago

Euro EUR rates

Exchange Latest Rate Updated At
CoinGecko (deprecated) n/a 3.5 years ago

View Aurora rates in all 4 supported currencies.